Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Just thought I would share some pictures of my babies. I have been reminded how much they mean to me lately. Bonnie is growing up to be a little lady. She is so sweet and thinking of everyone around her. She is always asking if we are felling okay, or if she can so something for us, or wanting big hugs. She is so compassionate. I love who she is growing up to be.

Brennen on the other hand is now 2 and he is completely the opposite from Bonnie. He has come into his own attitude and he lets everyone know it. He is so sweet when he wants to be, however we are waiting for the 2 year old phase to fade out. Some moments he is sweet and funny, and then 2 minutes later he is mister mean. I tell him all the time that I love him and want him to be sweet and he gives me his mean look. He pushes out his lips and dips his eyebrows and scrunches up his nose. We see this look alot. I just keep remembering that this phase will pass and I will get my sweet boy back.

This next year is going to be a big one. Bonnie will be 4 and we have started to look into the pre-school here in Van Alstyne. They have a really good program and I hope that she gets to go. If not we will start her in the Dayschool here. Also, Brennen is learning so much right now. He has finally started talking and now we are working on multi-words and trying sentences. He did not start talking like Bonnie did, so I have to work with him in a different way. However he is doing so good. Also, I am very excited about potty training. I am working with Brennen and pretty soon, both of my children will be potty trained. How WONDERFUL!!!! Life without diapers will be so nice. I told Shannon we will be getting a raise without the purchasing of diapers and pull ups.

Well, I better go and take care of the kids. Morning time is my favorite time of the day. They are both so sweet when they wake up. All the hugs and kisses and sweetness, Oh they are such sweet blessings.