I know it has been forever since I blogged last, however this summer has flown by and we have been SO busy. Just some highlights from the last two months...
1. First, everything began with song camp at Meadowview in Mesquite. The kids and I went to teach 40 2nd grade through 6th graders new songs so they could perform in a program on Friday night. However, starting on Monday I lost my voice and could not sing, so this week was very difficult, however I made it through.

2. The next week I went to work at a summer camp here in Van Alstyne, at the Methodist Church. I loved it. I met so many people and got to know so many of the mothers of the town that had small children. I worked hard, however I really enjoyed getting plugged in to so many of the stay at home moms in town.
The family went with Shannon to the University of Arkansas so he could see the field and be a part of his favorite football team. Our children and our neice and nephew have given in and wanted to buy Razorback hats and shirts. My sister says they are brainwashed. I think it is adorable.

We had so much fun. Our kids enjoyed spending time together.

1. First, everything began with song camp at Meadowview in Mesquite. The kids and I went to teach 40 2nd grade through 6th graders new songs so they could perform in a program on Friday night. However, starting on Monday I lost my voice and could not sing, so this week was very difficult, however I made it through.

3. The next week we were off to Arkansas with my family. There were 12 of us and we went camping in Withrow Springs State Park and then moved to Degray State Park. It was a hard and fast trip, however I really enjoyed spending time with the family. My dad always talked about a family trip but we never made time. So now that we missed that chance with him, we made time and had a blast doing it. I can not wait for the next one.

4. Two weeks later Shannon and I packed up and were off to Mountain Fork Christian Camp. We are counselors there every year and last year Shannon became the co-director of the Jr. Session, so this is a big week for both of us. We had so much fun! We had a great group of kids this year and I had so much fun seeing friends and talking with family. I can not imagine not having camp, it is so fulfulling and such a blessing to my heart.

5. After a few weeks home that just blazed by, we set out on a 12 hour car ride to New Mexico. Shannon was asked to do a Gospel Meeting for a friend that he went to school with, so off we went and had a blast, as you can imagine. Jeff and Sherrie let us stay in their home and just went out of their way to make us comfortable. Then their 4 and 2 year olds made Bonnie and Brennen feel right at home. We had so much fun and were so sad when we had to leave. Brennen wanted to stay and their son Ethan wanted to come home with us. We were so blessed by that church family and will continue to pray for not only their growth in numbers but most importantly their growth spritiually with our God and Father.

Well, that is it. The summer is not over, we still have places to go and people to see, however it is slowing down at least. I hope everyone out in blog land is doing well and having a wonderful summer!