Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Sweet Reminders

Over the past few days I have read some things related to children that have reminded me of how much I am blessed for having my two lovely babies. We waited so long to have children and lost a few during the wait, and in the mix of everyday life I sometimes forget through the disobedience, crying, tempers, selfishness and just plain moodiness, that these babies that God gave to me are the sweetest, cutiest, and all around best kids. I know that so many couples struggle with getting pregnant and I know how much babies are longed for and wanted and also needed. I just want anyone that reads this blog to now that God knows what is needed for you and your family. He blessed me and I know he will bless you too. My husband and I are so excited that we now have children that we just sit and laugh sometimes. There are no words to express the happiness they bring to our lives. God, you are a good God and I thank you and give my life to you and promise to raise these children in your light.


Melanie said...

Oh, my Danna, your post brings back so many good memories! I love your two kids so much! And the third one too of course! I miss you terribly! God is so Good to me, even though I'm so undeserving! It's so nice to keep up with you this way as well! I'm so glad you're blogging!!

Melanie said...

Okay, I don't know why my posts aren't showing on your blog. Don't think I'm ignoring you, I just can't get them to post for some reason!

Melanie said...

Where are my updates?