Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Just thought I would share some pictures of my babies. I have been reminded how much they mean to me lately. Bonnie is growing up to be a little lady. She is so sweet and thinking of everyone around her. She is always asking if we are felling okay, or if she can so something for us, or wanting big hugs. She is so compassionate. I love who she is growing up to be.

Brennen on the other hand is now 2 and he is completely the opposite from Bonnie. He has come into his own attitude and he lets everyone know it. He is so sweet when he wants to be, however we are waiting for the 2 year old phase to fade out. Some moments he is sweet and funny, and then 2 minutes later he is mister mean. I tell him all the time that I love him and want him to be sweet and he gives me his mean look. He pushes out his lips and dips his eyebrows and scrunches up his nose. We see this look alot. I just keep remembering that this phase will pass and I will get my sweet boy back.

This next year is going to be a big one. Bonnie will be 4 and we have started to look into the pre-school here in Van Alstyne. They have a really good program and I hope that she gets to go. If not we will start her in the Dayschool here. Also, Brennen is learning so much right now. He has finally started talking and now we are working on multi-words and trying sentences. He did not start talking like Bonnie did, so I have to work with him in a different way. However he is doing so good. Also, I am very excited about potty training. I am working with Brennen and pretty soon, both of my children will be potty trained. How WONDERFUL!!!! Life without diapers will be so nice. I told Shannon we will be getting a raise without the purchasing of diapers and pull ups.

Well, I better go and take care of the kids. Morning time is my favorite time of the day. They are both so sweet when they wake up. All the hugs and kisses and sweetness, Oh they are such sweet blessings.

Monday, October 16, 2006

As the Days go by.....

Sorry, I haven't blogged lately. I'm trying to get everything settled and the kids back on a schedule and that is hard to do.

Just to let everyone out there know, I love living here in Van Alstyne and I love this congregation. I feel like I have grown up in this family and that is such a blessing. I haven't felt this peaceful in a long time. God is blessing me everyday with this family.

Update on the kids.... Bonnie and Brennen are growing up in front of my eyes. Bonnie is learning how to spell her name and she wants so badly to spell it by herself, however she still needs a little help with that. She is growing taller everyday. She is looking so much older, like a big kid instead of a my baby. I like it, however when I really start to think about it, it makes me sad.

Brennen is growing taller and more independent than ever. He is starting to talk and if he has something he wants you to hear, he makes sure you hear him. He is developing a personality that is so sweet on one side and then you get a hint of the other side and he is sooooo serious. We are learning to be sweet at all times and life will be much easier. That is another thing that Brennen is showing is his stubbornness. However, all the sweet times and learning times outway the bad.

Shannon and I are getting in the swing of living in a small town. We really like it. We went to a Fall Festival here two weeks ago and had so much fun. Just being involved with the community is really fun and cool. Our house is coming along. I finally have had some time to organize my pictures for scrapbooking. I am so excited. I can't wait to get a few pages done.

Well I better go. Love everyone and hope to talk to you or see you soon.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

We are richly blessed

Well, I finally have the time to sit down and play on the computer. We found a job in Van Alstyne, Texas and moved in on August 28th. I have no other words than, I LOVE IT!!! The family here is wonderful, I love the small town feel of knowing everyone. Even around town I will mention that we just moved here and my husband is a preacher and they remember seeing his picture in the paper. It is so cool that everyone knows everyone else. I'm almost finished setting up the house and things can get back to a normal routine. The kids are now calling here home and they love that daddy works across the street.

I don't know why I always question my security when I'm always reminded that God will take care of us. He has opened this door to a beautiful family and sheltered us in His arms again. Thank you God for reminding me daily that you know what is best for your children.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Well...we're on the move

Most of you know that Shannon and I have been searching for a job over the last 2-3 months and finally we have a home. We have accepted an offer from the VanAlstyne Church of Christ in Texas. It's right between McKinney and Sherman. We will start September 1 and we are planning on moving into the house on the 29th of August. Shannon and I are looking forward to getting to know new friends and being a part of a new family.

Thank you all for keeping our family in your prayers and please continue to pray for us while we transition the kids into the house and new life, and our transition as well. Better get back to packing. We love all of you and will have more information later. Thanks again!!!!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Life on the Road

Well, where do I begin? Over the last few months I cleaned out my room at the Preschool... I have packed half of my house up in boxes.... my babies turned 2 and 3... I went to St. Louis to visit the Wigintons... I went to camp with Shannon in Oklahoma for a week and left my babies with my sister here in Mesquite(alot harder than I thought it would be).... and I pack up the family every weekend to go to different congregations for Shannon and I to inerview for a preaching job.

As you can see, I have been sooooooo busy that I never think to get on the computer and tell everyone whats going on. I know I need to do it more, because Melanie and Liz tell me I need to. So here I go telling you about my wonderful family and how much God is blessing us everyday.

Bonnie is now 3 and showing all the signs of independence. She wants to do everything on her own and most the time it drives me crazy. However, I love it when she learns something new, her face lights up and she looks so beautiful. Her hair is growing and I can finally put it in pigtails. She is so beautiful.

Brennen is now 2 and is trying everything that is possible to do what he wants to do. He is so much like Shannon, which is a good thing. He is compassionate and caring, even when he gets in trouble and falls to the floor like I have wounded his heart. He is talking more and understanding so much. It is so cool to watch him grow and learn so much everyday. OOOH he is so adorable.

Shannon and I are doing well. We have been on several interviews and it is kindof crazy, however I do love spending the time with the family. The kids are learning to travel and Shannon and I are learning how to travel with children. This is not an easy task, however I do love that we are a family.

Well, dinner is calling so I better go. Love all of you!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Sorry I haven't blogged lately. Everything is going by so fast. Can you believe that it is already February 14th. This year is flying by and I'm trying to absorb everything.

Just a little update on the kids. Bonnie is potty training and growing into a beautiful little lady. She is talking so much you can barely keep up with her. She is so polite, we are finally hearing and seeing what we have been teaching over the past 2 years. She is so smart. She knows exactly what Shannon and I are talking about and she asks questions all the time. I can't imagine life without hearing her sweet little voice saying momma or daddy and I love it when she is talking to her bubba. Brennen is getting so big. He is starting to talk and have cute little expressions. He is also getting an attitude so we are starting the whole process over in teaching when he can and when he can't get what he wants. He is running everywhere he goes and he loves his big sister. Both babies are sweet and wonderful blessings.

Now, on to STREAM. We just got back from a weekend in Midland. We had a blast. I sang with all my heart to the Lord and cried most of the time. I love singing with no limits. If I wanted to lift my hands, I did. If I wanted to clap, I did. If I wanted to cry, I did. The singing was awesome!!! Terry Rush was the speaker and he did a wonderful job talking about how we should be still and see the people around us. We live life in the fast lane and we just need to slow down and see people. We went with family and friends and had a wonderful time sharing with eachother. The kids did such a great job in service and at night, they just were great all around. Now I can't wait until next year.

Well, I better go. Brennen just woke up and is crying.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Blessings from God

Thought I would share this with everyone. They are so cute. It took forever to get this picture however it was very worth it. Everyday they are changing and growing. They sing all the time, talk constantly, and they love to laugh. Some moments they can be HARD, however they are sweet at heart. Bonnie, is counting, asking questions, playing mommy, and teaching her little brother all kinds of things. Brennen is starting to talk, becoming independent, playing with cars and crashing them, and looks up to Bonnie and loves her. They are so sweet to each other. They play well together and fight well together, but all in all, they love being brother and sister. I must admit I love being their mother. God has shown me in my two babies how giving and loving HE is. I pray everyday that I can be the example and influence that God expects me to be for my children. Thank you God for your gifts of love. Hope everyone is doing well and God Bless each of your families!