Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Sorry I haven't blogged lately. Everything is going by so fast. Can you believe that it is already February 14th. This year is flying by and I'm trying to absorb everything.

Just a little update on the kids. Bonnie is potty training and growing into a beautiful little lady. She is talking so much you can barely keep up with her. She is so polite, we are finally hearing and seeing what we have been teaching over the past 2 years. She is so smart. She knows exactly what Shannon and I are talking about and she asks questions all the time. I can't imagine life without hearing her sweet little voice saying momma or daddy and I love it when she is talking to her bubba. Brennen is getting so big. He is starting to talk and have cute little expressions. He is also getting an attitude so we are starting the whole process over in teaching when he can and when he can't get what he wants. He is running everywhere he goes and he loves his big sister. Both babies are sweet and wonderful blessings.

Now, on to STREAM. We just got back from a weekend in Midland. We had a blast. I sang with all my heart to the Lord and cried most of the time. I love singing with no limits. If I wanted to lift my hands, I did. If I wanted to clap, I did. If I wanted to cry, I did. The singing was awesome!!! Terry Rush was the speaker and he did a wonderful job talking about how we should be still and see the people around us. We live life in the fast lane and we just need to slow down and see people. We went with family and friends and had a wonderful time sharing with eachother. The kids did such a great job in service and at night, they just were great all around. Now I can't wait until next year.

Well, I better go. Brennen just woke up and is crying.


Melanie said...

I'm so glad you had a great time at stream! I'm just a little envious! As much as I hate potty training, I love it as well. It's so tender to see them grow up! Carter is now officially trained, and the fact that my diaper quota has been halved is awesome!! Miss you guys so much! Can't wait to see you in Tulsa!

Liz Moore said...

I just found your blog!! It's amazing how many people are blogging these days. Your kids are just precious. I can't wait to have Bonnie next year! Keeping you in my prayers. Love you!

Tiersa said...

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Love you!

Liz Moore said...

Still no update :(
I keep watching!! :)