Thursday, March 15, 2007

What's new!

So much has gone on here at the Jackson home. I'm sure you read about some of it on Shannnon's blog, however, here's more.

A few weeks ago while Shannon was in Lubbock for a class, I spent the week with my parents. We shopped 4 out of 5 days, I only had to cook one meal that week, and my mom and dad loved spending time with the kids. We came home and I had to start cooking and cleaning and all the things I love to do around the house.

Since then, we have relaxed and enjoyed the wonderful weather we are having here in Texas. I have to say that now, because soon it will be to hot. Bonnie and Brennen are playing outside and really learning to love each other and play well together. Bonnie has always been the outgoing and "bossy" big sister, however Brennen is coming into his own personality and now they have to learn to get along peacefully. They both take turns to be the "boss".

The church is doing well, I know this year is going to be a big one. God is doing wonderful things here for our congregation. We have hurt together and we have loved together and we are growing stronger together as a family.

Have a great spring everyone!!!!


Liz Moore said...

I love the spring! When we have one that is. I hope we get the chance to have some cool to warmer days before we just get right to the hot days :) See you guys next week!! I love you!!

Melanie said...

Loved talking to you! Sorry I didn't call back, Braden got sick, then I got sick!