Monday, April 30, 2007


Well, here are the little munchkins, sitting in a pile of cut greenery. For the last 2 months Shannon and I have been working on the yard together and the kids help us. I love it. It is so much fun spending the time together. The yard work is hard and hot, however teaching Bonnie and Brennen and watching Shannon and the kids play, it is so heartwarming.

Thank you Lord for my sweet and precious family!! I am blessed richly!!


Melanie said...

So sweet. Boy is that red hair shining or what?

The Preacher's Household: said...

I met you at Tulsa and I just found your blog address in my purse. I wondered where I had put it! I met you in the bathroom. I have girls that are 15 months apart. I just thought I would stop by and say hi. Your pictures are cute!

Feel free to pop in on my blog at

I also really enjoyed Facing the Giants. I have a post on it too but I cant remember what it is called. I hope they do another movie.


Liz Moore said...

They are so cute! We really enjoyed getting to see all of you at the dayschool graduation last week! And I always love getting those great hugs from Bonnie!! We miss you guys!!

Liz Moore said...


I just saw the email about your dad. I will be praying for him and for your family. I love you! Liz