We had a great Thanksgiving at my sisters house this year. Here are some pictures of Bonnie and Brennen at their Feast Day at school.
Of course, after a long day at the zoo we must stop and refresh ourselves, so we stopped at Wendy's and ordered some frosty's. YUMMY!!
This was supposed to look like a snowman, however my little munchkins and their daddy tried hard and this is what we were left with.
It snowed again today, however we did not get to play in it. We are tomorrow with some friends from church and school, so I will again post more pictures tommorrow.
Can you beleive I have posted more in the last week or two than I have the last 6 months. Love everyone out there and hope all of you are as blessed as I am.
The picture with the kids in a chair is special because they love sitting in papaw's chair when we visit my mom. We went and spent a few days with mom and the family and enjoyed every minute. It is so cool right now, because Bonnie is just now understanding I have sisters and brothers and we are all best of friends. I love that she knows what a family is and that she pretends she has babies and a family of her own. Brennen however just wants dogs! I love my babies!!!