Thursday, March 06, 2008


It has been the most unbelievable week ever. One day it is sunny and hot, to the point that you have to use the air conditioner in your car, and then the next day it is freezing and snowing. Then the warm weather comes back and the next day it is snowing again. No wonder our children at church and school cannot stay well. Well, here are some great pictures of my babies playing hard in the snow with their daddy.

This is Brennen making snow angels. He tried his best.

Here is Bonnie making her snow angel, and if you look closse enough you will see that both of my children were still in their PJ's.

This was supposed to look like a snowman, however my little munchkins and their daddy tried hard and this is what we were left with.

It snowed again today, however we did not get to play in it. We are tomorrow with some friends from church and school, so I will again post more pictures tommorrow.

Can you beleive I have posted more in the last week or two than I have the last 6 months. Love everyone out there and hope all of you are as blessed as I am.


Melanie said...

LOVE the pictures. Can't wait to hug all of you!

Richard said...

Maybe if Shannon would have stayed out of the snowman making the snowman may have actually turned out ok! I'm glad he wasn't in his PJs too!! Glad to see pictures of your family and I can't wait to see you in person in a few days!! Love you guys.

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