Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sorry, that it has taken so long for me to update my blog. Between holidays, school, children, church, and family, I have been so busy. In addition, when I am not busy, I do not choose to spend my extra time on the computer.

I finished my final for my Hebrew Prophetic Literature class last night and today I choose to update my life, clean my house, and spend some time with the family.

I hope everyone had wonderful holidays and that your New Year is blessed richly!

Here are some pictures of the kids; they are growing up so fast. Every time I turn around, we have to buy new clothes and shoes, because they are getting so tall. Sometimes I find myself staring at them and memorizing what they look like so I will remember these beautiful babies as they are today. I know, before I turn around, they will be ten years old and then they will be teenagers. My only prayer is that they will love the Lord and live faithfully for him on purpose. God has blessed my life with my family and I only hope that all of you out there in blog land are blessed richly and loving life.

The picture with the kids in a chair is special because they love sitting in papaw's chair when we visit my mom. We went and spent a few days with mom and the family and enjoyed every minute. It is so cool right now, because Bonnie is just now understanding I have sisters and brothers and we are all best of friends. I love that she knows what a family is and that she pretends she has babies and a family of her own. Brennen however just wants dogs! I love my babies!!!


Richard said...

I love your family!! Thank you for posting pictures of my 'niece' and 'nephew'. They are so adorable. We love you guys and are glad to hear that you're doing well.

Melanie said...

Oh how we miss you! Are you going to Tulsa? Please, please say yes! I love you and can't wait to hold those precious ones!

Danna said...

Yes, we will be there and I am so excited to see ya'll. Miss you and love you!!!